Dear Tay:
I love you. You are such an amazing, beautiful little sister, and I can't believe how grown up you are getting. Thank you for being a good example to Abby and me all the time. I love that you are not afraid to be yourself and that you stand up for what you believe in always. I admire your creativity and style. It has been so fun becoming closer as we get older, I can't wait to be little old ladies together. I appreciate your sensibility and sensitivity, and your funny little quips that keep us all giggling. Your smile is the best :) I love you little sister.
Dear Abby:
I love you. You have inspired me in ways you may not yet understand. I admire your determination to try new things and succeed at them. I can't believe you are almost 12, I sometimes feel like you are still this fragile little baby in an incubator. I appreciate your humor and charm. I admire how organized and strong-willed you are. I wish I had your gorgeous curls. You are a beautiful girl, inside and out. I love that we have matching eyes :) I love you baby sister.
Kisses, Whit
Ah, sniff...sniff! That is so sweet! They are already asleep or I'd show them right now! Basketball has started and Abby is wiped out, and well, you know Tay (our little old lady) was ready to go anyway! They're going to love this!
I have to say that I did not cry in Dear John, although I did like it. However, reading your letters to your sisters got me totally choked up!!! So sweet and they are so true! I am patiently waiting to hear if your got accepted also!
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